Saturday, April 30, 2016

Jump Rope For Heart

Our school raised money for the American Heart Association through Jump rope for Heart.  We set a goal of $9000.00.  Our kiddos worked hard getting donations and we passed our goal BIG TIME!!

The top fundraisers got to silly string our principal, Mrs. Jernigan.  She is amazing and such a trooper!  We love her and she is the BEST!!

A picture of the kiddos waiting on our celebration pep rally...I could not get them all in the picture.  This is kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades.

And finally, our AMAZING check for over $15,000.00.  I would say we busted our goal.  We ramked 2nd in the state of Arkansas in fundraising for Jump Rope for Heart.  That is 2nd out of ALL school in Arkansas.  YAY, DPS!!!

Bugs, Bugs, Bugs

We have been learning about insects!  This is one of my favorite units.  My kinders always love it and we have so much fun and it is so academically engaging.  I hope you enjoy these photos!

Meet my Bumblebees!!

Meet my ladybugs!

I don't think there is a cuter colony of bugs around!!!

Meet my ants!